Friday, June 5, 2009

The Loved Dog

Time flies, especially when Puchi is around. She is five months old now and weighs three and half pound. She had her first grooming visit two weeks ago (when I was away). She looks so different now. We still think she looks cuter with her long eyebrow. She is probably getting into her adolescense and starts to challenge her rights and boundaries. It means we need to be extra patient with her. She has been having problem jumping on guests. Because of her size, she often has to stand on two feet to reach people's hand. The problem is people don't mind her because her size makes it look cute instead of agressive or a threat. So now, we are working on training her "Sit on greeting".I've caught a nice deal at the bargain books isle. It's The Loved Dog by Tamar Geller. I have to say it's a GREAT book and totally recommend for all dog owners. It really helps me in understanding dog training and building a better relationship with Puchi. It's about the Loved Dog way not the old military way.
Have a great weekend!

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