Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nippon Adventure I

Time flies, it feels like we've been gone for a month. So we're finally back and mostly recovered from the adjustment of time difference. Overall, we had a wonderful time exploring a tiny part of the Northern Japan this time. We ate a lot of seafood, saw the fall colour on the mountains and dipped our feet into a few onsens (hot springs). My favourite little shop was the Otaru Natural Crafts in Otaru, a little town by sea in Hokkaido. It has a lot wood and glass crafts.
Extra large version of the little wooden figures.Little parts for decorating your own treasure box.One of my favourite things in the whole trip. A lovely postcard by Takata Noriko.Tiny little milk bottles, less than half an inch tall, and wood tray made with clay.Little glass coffee table and a tiny slice of strawberry cake.More Nippon adventure to come.
Happy Wednesday!

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